Keynote Event: Power the World Q&A

Image for Keynote Event: Power the World Q&A

Basement Theatre (B117)
Melbourne School of Design


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Dr Daryl Holland

How do we get to a zero carbon future while maintaining secure energy supplies? Are batteries the game-changer? What’s next for solar technology? How fast do we need to move on this?

As governments across the world struggle with the issue of energy security in a low carbon world, we have gathered an expert panel of researchers and specialists from the university and business sectors to discuss how we might power the world now and into the future, and answer your questions about the future of energy production and capacity.

Moderated by Maxine McKew, former journalist and politician, and current Honorary Enterprise Professor in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, the panel will consist of:

  • Prof Paul Mulvaney, School of Chemistry and Bio21, and Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science
  • Ellen Sandell MLA, Greens State Member for Melbourne
  • Rachel Watson, Chair, Clean Energy Council and Interim CEO, Pacific Hydro
  • Prof Ross Garnaut AO, Professorial Research Fellow in Economics at the University of Melbourne